A SYSTEM FOR ALL LANDLORDS| Best Property Management Software in Kenya
Gone are the days of rent collection headaches, miscommunication between landlords and tenants and paper-based property management. A new era has dawned!
We have good news for people in the real estate space. Landlords, property owners, real estate agents, property managers, our real estate management software presents many benefits. From monitoring payments made by tenants, keeping track of expenses such as water bills, receiving timely vacating notices hence monitor vacant and occupied rooms.
Here are some of the benefits and features in ROBIPMS
- Invoice/Receipt Management
Go paperless with SMS invoices and receipts. With ROBIPMS You can easily generate invoices and receipts on our and send them to tenants through SMS and whatsapp
Our Rental Collection software streamlines operations, whether you’re running your property online or offline. Manage tenants, track expenses and payments, generate landlord statements, and streamline water/electricity billing.
- Real-time Tenants Record Management
Our Rental Management system offers Digitized and accurate tenant records whether you are viewing account balances, complaints etc. , this Helps to quickly resolve tenant disputes and track of all tenant invoices and payments.
· Fast and efficient automation
Installing ROBIPMS Means you are able to save time by automating all repetitive tasks such as printing gate notices, reminding tenants to pay, recording payments manually and sending receipts. Allowing you to focus on what matters the most- Managing your rentals
- Easy payment records/Real time payments
Manual financial records can be highly prone to errors. When you have a digital management system to control that, you will be able to evade these errors.
The system also have real time payment modes that every time a tenant pays rent, it automatically records the same and the tenants can also receive notifications real time. The tenant can also be alerted when rent payment is due and even the details to pay.
- Tenants’ portal
The property management system has the ability to let your tenants have their own portals. In their portal they can view their balances, give in comments and recommendations on the property. They can also be in direct contact with the property owner as well. You as the property owner can also communicate with them on their portal as well. This improves the communication system.
· Powerful Reporting and analytic feature
With ROBIPMS, Landlords can efficiently and easily generate, view and download reports such as tenant balances, payments overdue, penalties and agreements ,vacant houses landlord statements with the click of a button And at the comfort of their phones
- Real-time Payments Integrations
No more door to door collections of payments, this feature allows you to automatically record all payments on our system and send real-time sms alert your phone on the specific tenant who has paid/house number. The system Integrates with both Mpesa and all Banks.
· Advance accounting feature
The system offers Powerful accounting feature that makes accounting easy, eliminating use of excel whether you want to view full chart of accounts, do bank reconciliations or check tenants balances , the system offer this and much more
· Tenant Feedback Platform Integration
ROBIPMS Offers integration to feedback software that allows tenants to snare real-time feedback, suggestions, post maintenance inquiries, share ideas and better ways to manage them, This helps solve cases s they come building tenant landlord relationship that leads to loyal tenants
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Transform your Rental Business into a lucrative income stream Today, Let’s take your Rental Management to the next Level. Eliminate stress and give you happy Tenants who are willing to pay and pay on time- BOOK A FREE CALL with us for more details on 0780655987/0716413386
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