Biometric Time Attendance System in Kenya Biometric and proximity time clock readers store between 30.000 to 200.000 T&A statuses in the internal memory. After exceeding the limit value, old T&A statuses are overwritten above new ones. Downloading and deleting T&A statuses from time clock readers systematically by the operator of BIOFINGER/SW program prevents potential problems.
In the course of using the Time and Attendance system, a user has to press the proper function button (T&A status) and place the registered finger on the scanner or swipe the card.
Two time clock readers can be installed on a single base place. In this case users authorize starting work [START] by using the first reader and finishing work [END] on the second reader without pressing function buttons [START/END].
We also offer solutions increasing the safety of processing and storing employees’ biometrics data. In this case the user of Time and Attendance solution has his own biometric card, the so-called MIFARE card in the memory of which digital images of fingerprints are stored. Biometric Time Attendance System in Kenya The authorization process occurs when MIFARE biometric card is put close to biometric time clock reader and identity is confirmed by placing the registered finger on the scanner.
Another solution which may guarantee greater certainty about the identity of Time and Attendance user is biometric or proximity time clock reader with an inbuilt camera with real-time image registration function. At the time the correct authorization of an user is made, the time clock reader with image registration function takes a photo and saves it in the memory of the device.
Depending on the choice of time clock reader and authorization
method, BIOFINGER-T&A, BIOFACE-T&A, RFID-T&A users can
record their working time (T&A statuses) by means of:
- fingerprint
- facial geometry / facial recognition
- biometric MIFARE card + fingerprint
- traditional RFID proximity card (Unique or Mifare)
- PIN code
The offered fingerprint, facial geometry / facial recognition or RFID proximity card Time and Attendance solutions include:
- one or several biometric or proximity card time clock readers
- MIFARE biometric cards or traditional RFID proximity cards (Unique)
- emergency electrical supply: DC/DC converter, buffer power supply and rechargeable battery
- dedicated small or large base place (optional)
The comprehensive service provided by our company includes as well:
- installation and configuration of time clock readers, Time and Attendance system and emergency electrical supply
- BIOFINGER-T&A, BIOFACE-T&A or RFID-T&A solution and BIOFINGER/SW software maintenance and management training for administrators
- logistic costs
When you choose the comprehensive implementation of biometric (fingerprint) or proximity card Time and Attendance solution, you get a 24-month warranty period, professional warranty and post-warranty service as well as remote or local technical support on Time and Attendance system operation, correct configuration, functionality and use of BIOFINGER/SW, BIOFINGER/SVR and BIOFINGER/Mobile software.
Maintenance services and technical support offered by PTC SECURITY SYSTEMS are of the highest quality and are provided quicker than by external installers and distributors.
Comprehensive implementation is a little bit more expensive, but it guarantees reliability and stability of operation of BIOFINGER-T&A, BIOFACE-T&A or RFID-T&A solution implemented directly by our company.
Our proprietary and professional BIOFINGER/SW and BIOFINGER/SVR program is the key element in a small or developed Time and Attendance solution.
This software is used to comprehensively manage biometric and proximity
card time clock readers, operating in small and extended Time and
Attendance and/or Access Control systems.
PTC SECURITY SYSTEMS concentrates above all on research and development of offered IT solutions and our proprietary BIOFINGER/SW, BIOFINGER/SVR and BIOFINGER/Mobile software.
We monitor and analyze on an on-going basis new expectations created by our customers with respect to Time and Attendance solutions and Access Control systems.
In case of the delivery of equipment for self-installation, the warranty period is 12 months.
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