STOP AJALI by Robisearch is a web based application that has been created to safeguard the safety of passengers on the road by allowing them to instantly communicate or report any driver errors on the road.
Most road accidents in our country occur due to drivers mistakes which has led to a lot of loss of lives. These drivers indicate carelessness on the road a long way before they eventually cause these accidents and the local mwananchi normally doesnt have a platform to complain or stop the driver. With Robisearch STOP AJALI the passenger is gifted the power to instantly send message about poor driving. This message is received by the NTSA and the matatu SACCO in a few seconds and necessary action is taken by either warning him or having him removed.
STOP AJALI gives you the power to protect and safeguard your life while traveling. It is easy to use and is already being used in the management of various bus SACCOs country wide. To have a preview of how it works kindly watch video below. For further information visit