The following are the features of Our School Management System:
- Student Information – for all the information related to the student like student search, profile, student admission, promote student to the upper class.
- Fees Collection – for all the details related to student fees collection, fees master creation, fees dues and fee reports.
- Income – for all the income other than fee collection can be managed here like add income, search income, income head.
- Expenses – for all the expenses related to school can be managed here like add expenses, search expenses, expense head.
- Attendance – for managing student attendance and attendance report.
- Examinations – for managing all the exams conducted by the school like create an exam schedule exam, exam marks entry, mark grade.
- Academics – for managing all the parameters/master data required to run the school like classes, sections, subjects, teachers, class timetable.
- Download Center – for managing downloadable documents like assignments, study material, syllabus, and other documents need to distribute students and teachers.
- Library – all the books in your library can be managed here.
- Inventory – Manage all the assets of your school with stocks and stores under the inventory module.